Tuesday, November 2, 2010

What now?

So after a sleepless night, I wake to a 12 year old boy refusing to go to school. We have struggled with behavior problems with this child since the day he came almost 4 years ago. What frustrates us more than anything is that he has such amazing potential. He is a born leader, charming and engaging marred only by his utter disregard for authority. What to do now?
Time is ticking until he is in high school. The consequences for bad choices at that age is much more severe, often following you for the rest of your life. How do you make a child "care"? He doesn't care about school, he doesn't care about his family, he doesn't care about other peoples feelings, he doesn't care about God. The things he cares about are his Ipod, his clothes, keeping his white tennis shoes spotless, girls, movies, etc. He was born cool. Quite literally, he has it "going on" and he knows it. So what do we do with that?
Our choices seem to be...

An alternative school/living situation such as; boarding school, military school, therapeutic school-all running us between $2000-$6000 per month

Homeschooling him; which didn't go too well the first time but may have better results the second time. Which would include tutoring at Kumon. But would it be enough to turn his attitude around-I wonder??

Send him for a long vacation to see his mom in Ethiopia. Maybe a visit with her will help him realize the opportunity he has here.

Go Crazy!!

Do nothing, just wait and see if he turns his attitude around

I made a bunch of phone calls already today. Investigating what our options are. It doesn't look real promising yet, but we will keep trying.

On the up side- there is a wonderful smelling Lasagna cooking in the crock pot. When all else fails....eat well! LOL

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